
Philippians 1

Have you felt like 2020 was a prison?

Describe prison……..

What are the similarities 

What have you lost?

Why do you feel trapped?

The apostle Paul shows us in the 1 phil 3-11 the keys to the lock of feeling imprioned

(read scripture)

The key ring is prayer specific and purposeful prayer

There are three specific keys on this ring 

  1. Prayer to be more loving of people /places and things

God is love  we are made in his likeness?

Talk about loving people not sin

  1. Pray to be more decerning 
  2. What is decernment?

I found over 30 scriptures that tell us to discern

Five Hebrew wors :bin yadha, nakhar, raah and shama it may simply mean to observe

Hosea 14:9 who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is diserning let them understand. The ways of the lord are right: the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them

How can I know what is Gods word or will if I am not in it consistantly

  1. What spurgeon says about it right/all most right
  1. We must pray to live blameless and pure/ not perfect

We must be living testimonies of who Christ is 

What do people see when they see us  

Do they see the fallen world or do they see someone who loves Christ  

Are we willing to make amends are we willing to repent

Do you want out of the prison of 2020? 

Ask yourself did you or are you willing to walk more like Christ or 

Did you become institutionalized by 2020

Will you pray with purpose and specifically to 

Have more love

Be more discerning

To live blameless and pure 

That’s what I choose will you do it with me brothers and sisters