The youth group meets after the main service on the first and third Sundays of each month. With all the challenges youth face today we want to help them grow strong in their walk with the Lord and experienced meaningful relationships that are centered on the word of God.
Our time begins at 12:30 with lunch and some fun games. After that there is a brief teaching followed by a small group discussion. The small groups are divided into middle and high school ages. Group finishes at 1:45 and parents are to pick up the kids by 2:00. We also plan other fun events throughout the year.
The Youth Group will kickoff the fall semester on September 15, 2024. If you would like more information please contact us. We would love to tell you more.
Other key dates for the fall semester are below.
9/15 - Youth Sunday and Parent Meeting
9/20 - Karaoke night
10/6 - Youth Sunday
10/18 - Fowler Park - Stargazing HS / Capture the Flag MS
10/20 - Youth Sunday
11/3 - Youth Sunday
11/17 - Youth Sunday
11/22 - Joint youth event
12/1 - Youth Sunday
12/15 - Youth Sunday
12/21 - Christmas Service Project