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I asked one of our members, Joy Norris, who enjoys writing if she would mind sharing some encouraging advice to mothers on Mother’s Day. She agreed, and it is below. Thank you, Joy!

Mother’s Day — the calendar, advertisements and Hallmark brings the date to life even if we are overwhelmed and not prepared for it. The day always sounds and looks so perfect on social media but is far from what we are personally experiencing. The holiday brings back memories, some of which we would like to forget and others that make us smile. Mothers are in all different seasons of life and this day for mothers means different things to each of us. One passage of scripture I learned early in life and continue to remind myself is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” This has been so important because the world bombards us with all kinds of promises and expectations that ultimately prove empty. However, when I turn to the Bible, God’s promises are there, and I find true help and hope. I have found, over a good number of years that God’s presence and His promises provide me with peace in this wild and crazy, troubled world. We are all unique, our family needs and gifting are unique, and we have to trust God for that.

Let me share two verses I have read in the Word of God on how to live through the crazy days and still enjoy life. Maybe these will encourage and help you this Mother’s Day.

First, when fatigue starts to set in, remember daily quiet times with the Lord are needed. Fatigue is a good word to describe what mothers deal with in all seasons of life. In Psalms 29:11 we read, “The Lord gives strength to his people, He blesses his people with peace.” Peace is needed for a new mother, young mother, single mother, mother of multiple births, a mother struggling with caring for little children or children requiring answers to so many questions, children needing transportation to activities, children facing independence issues. There are also mothers who no longer have children at home and begin to feel the empty nest, especially on holidays. And let us not forget those who are estranged from their mothers or those who have not been blessed with children. Every day and situation presents ladies with opportunities for restlessness. We need to remember peace will not come from this world. It comes from God, and we need to take time to quiet our hearts in him and in his word.

Second, when circumstances are overwhelming, we need to remember perseverance pays off! Again, the fact that life as a mother can be and often is overwhelming is a universal situation. You and I are not the only ones who feel overwhelmed in this arena of life! How cool is it that God included in the Bible Galatians 6:9, which says “Let us not become weary of doing good, for at the right time we will reap the harvest, if we do not give up.” All mothers are in different seasons and each of us know someone in our life who has already traveled the road we are travelling right now. Seeking their friendship and listening ear, their guidance and prayers along the way is part of God’s grace to help us persevere. The body of Christ is there to help us move past the days that seem like all our work is for naught, and point us to God’s true harvest in heaven.