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We are rebooting as a church plant this summer. Come join the fun and make a difference! We meet every Sunday at 10:45am, various times throughout the week for Discovery Groups, and have also planned these special events:

May 14, Friday, 7:00pm Night Out

A casual and fun night out for the adults! We will go out to the Halcyon from 7:00-9:00pm to eat, play games and hangout. 

June 4, Friday, 7:00pm Movie and Popcorn 

Enjoy a night at the church as we watch Inside Out. A fun movie that has a surprising lesson on finding healing (and we will share how it connects to healing in Christ).

June 13, Sunday, 12:30-2:00 Radiant Roundup

Join us for the first ever Radiant Roundup! Bring a picnic lunch to church and join the whole church family for lunch and games after the service!

July 16, Friday, 7:00pm Worship and Ice Cream Night

Join us for an impactful night of ice cream, worship, and time of prayer for God to work in our community. 

August 8, Sunday, 12:30-2:00 Radiant Roundup

Bring a dish to church and join the whole church family for lunch and games after the service!

Sep 10-12, Friday, 7:00-9:00pm and Saturday 9:00am-12:00pm. Radiant Revival

This multiday event will give us time to talk specifically about our mission as a church and how to go about impacting our community with the gospel. 

If you are interested in learning more about being a part of our reboot or simply finding out more about the church contact us at